On the way!
With only a few days left to go to the launch of the Durban Challenge, preparations are moving into high gear. Although the preparation team has been working very hard up to now, the last few days are always a time of tons to do and not enough time to do it in! Most people will start to travel to Durban on Sunday or Monday but some people already started today.
From Monday onwards, just like last year, I will keep you up to date with whats happening on the challenge and bring you the fresh stories as it is happening. I hope this will keep you inspired and praying for us the whole time.
Here is some facts and prayer requests for now:
- We will have slightly over 360 participants this year (hard to know exactly until they show up)
- These participants will be working together with 39 churches and organisations that we are partnering with.
- Most of the teams will be Durban, Pietermaritzburg and surrounding areas.
- In these areas there are many Muslims, Hindus and Animists.
- For safe traveling of all the participants
- For the preparation team and their mad dash to get everything right
- For the Holy Spirit to start working in the hearts of the people that our participants will be meeting
- Praise God for the churches and organisations that we are able to partner with!