Global Challenge - South Africa

Global Challenge is an initiative by OM where Christians can join a short outreach to communities around the world. In South Africa we host an outreach every year in the July school holidays. This year we will reach out to communities living around Gauteng.

Being silly

During the afternoons a lot of workshops were presented for the participants to attend. This ranged from door-to-door ministry, how to prepare a sermon and many more.

Suzanne was also attending the workshops but the ones she wanted to do was already full. Eventually she sneaked into the creative minisitries session that was teaching evangelistic drama's. She admitted herself that she is quite self-conscious about appearing silly before other people, so this session was initially very difficult for her. But the more she saw the others around her participating with all their heart, the more she got involved herself and eventually she admitted to enjoying the session. Even some others who were hesitant at first finally came around and excitedly told us that they want to take this back to their churches and teach them the dramas.

Dramas, rope illustrations and so many other things are innovative ways to reach out to people with Christ. Remeber Paul's words: "I will become all things to all men, in order to save some". Even if this means we have to be fools for Christ!

1 comment:

Carlien said...

Hi there from the Doulos in Korea!!

I'm so glad to have found your blog, and will keep checking in to read the updates. This is a great idea!
Praying especially for warmer weather - I remember the chilly start to the Cape Challenge in 2004.

Bless you all,
Carlien G.