Global Challenge - South Africa

Global Challenge is an initiative by OM where Christians can join a short outreach to communities around the world. In South Africa we host an outreach every year in the July school holidays. This year we will reach out to communities living around Gauteng.

Drive Through Doctor

We have been constantly amazed by the many people God has put in place to be a part of this outreach, even if not as participants in teams. People have donated food, given transport, lended sound equipment and other areas of expertise, not for praise or recognition, but simply and humbly as an offering to God. One such example yesterday was by a lady we would now like to call "The drive-through doctor".

Jackie, on the team leaders from Barbados, has been feeling a bit ill for a few days, but it finally reached the point where she needed to see a doctor. Now the quandry: in a town that none of us are all that familiar with, and with limited budgets for things like Doctors' visits, where do we take the sick people?

One doctor who had heard about the Global Challenge agreed immediately (during her sleeping time - she was on night shift) to help out. She heard the symptoms over the phone, and directed Jackie and her overseers to the hospital car park. Here, amongst the cars, she consulted with Jackie, right in front of the hospital! Imagine the look on the car guards face when she pulled out her stethoscope! She provided her services free of charge, and had even already purchased the antibiotics Jackie needed before the green overseer "ambulance" pulled up in the Doctor drive through.

People like our drive-through Doctor are the unsung heroes of the Global Challenge. We have been blessed by their contribution, and know that so much of the Challenge could not be pulled-off without their help. Something so simple as a Doctor's consultation in a car-park has been a huge gift for the kingdom.

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