Global Challenge - South Africa

Global Challenge is an initiative by OM where Christians can join a short outreach to communities around the world. In South Africa we host an outreach every year in the July school holidays. This year we will reach out to communities living around Gauteng.

End of the spear

One of the most familiar stories about missionaries is that of Nate Saint and his four friends that served and died in Ecuador as they reached out to Waodoni tribe, one of the most aggressive and unreached tribes of their time. Last year the film 'End of the spear' was released based on the story of Steve Saint, Nate Saint's son, that later returned to be a missionary to the same tribe.

The Ecuadorian missionaries' story remains a challenge to us as Christians, as we contemplate if we really are willing to sacrifice our lives for God and to bring His message. As we watched this film last night many participants were processing these same thoughts. Outreaches like the Durban Challenge has no guarantees that everything will go smoothly and safely. As we share the Gospel there will always be opposition and we need to get to a place where we decide if we really are willing to risk it all for God.

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